I have a new line of pickups I am calling Cojones. I was approached by someone very influential to make a Tele bridge pickup that had more “balls” and body without being overly saturated and mid heavy as most hot Fender pickups can be. They wanted something that sits somewhere between my standard V and Fat pickups and still sounds vintage. It did it all in spades and has quickly become very popular. I did not want to just call it “Balls” so I settled on the name Cojones.
The JM-Cojones sits comfortably between my very popular JM-V and JM-FAT. It has a lot more balls than the standard JM-V in the bridge but does not get shrill and thin and has more bridge attitude and less polite than my JM-FAT. From the response I have been getting I have a feeling this will quickly surpass the JM-FAT as the go to bridge pickup for Jazzmasters