My version of the one and only Bill Lawrence designed , Gibson Grabber Bass pickup that was produced form the early 70s to early 80’s. As with many of the epoxied pickups of era, the epoxy cracks with age and breaks the coil rendering them a paperweight. My goal is to recreate these pickups to you do not have to route or mod your bass.
This pickup was one of the hardest and most expensive of all my recreations. I went full out reverse engineering this gem. It was actually pretty intricate and all buried in its black epoxy tomb. This is not simply a modern “reissue” pickup that is made to look like the original with just some modern pickup parts dropped in there. Everything is to spec from the original and assembled as original. I, of course, can do a lot of cool custom stuff as well.
At this time I am not reproducing the slider plate, sorry. Although it looks simple it was surprising very expensive to have made. After I recover some of my costs in reproducing this pickup I will revisit making the plate.